Sample images of final iOS app screens

iOS App Launch in the U.S.

Buyma, a prominent Japanese luxury fashion platform, is entering the U.S. market with an iOS application. As Lead UX/UI Designer, my role was to redesign their web application for a seamless mobile experience.

Project Overview

My Role: Lead UX/UI Designer

Deliverables: Competitive Audit, Secondary Research, IA, Wireframes, mock ups and prototypes

Project Specs: Figma, Miro, Adobe CC

Duration: 6 months

Core Audience | Key Purchase Motivations

Core Audience: Gen Z / Millenial

Gen Z / Millenial

Favor the convenience and extensive browsing ability of online shopping.

Core Audience: ESG

Favor luxury products with environmetal claims and an emphasis on social benefits.


Core Audience: HNI


“Invest” in items that are rare statement pieces that will appreciate in value.

  • Complex Purchase Process: Users found the Buyma purchasing workflow confusing and cumbersome.

  • Inadequate Conversion Flow: The existing app's conversion flow was ineffective, leading to user drop-offs.

  • Lack of Cohesion: The app lacked aesthetic and creative consistency, impacting user engagement.

Key Challenges:

Design Strategy:

Optimizing User Experience:

  • Simplified Checkout Process: Redesigned the checkout to reduce steps and clarify costs upfront, enhancing transparency and trust.

  • Enhanced Search Functionality: Overhauled search capabilities to deliver faster, more relevant results through improved algorithms and smarter filters.

New Feature Implementation:

  • Direct Messaging: Integrated a secure messaging system to facilitate direct communication between buyers and sellers, enhancing privacy and trust.

  • Favorites Feature: Enabled users to save and categorize favorite items, personalizing the shopping experience and improving return visits.

Adherence to Standards:

  • Maintained strict compliance with Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines to ensure that our app met the highest standards of iOS app development.

Execution of Strategic Challenges:

Confusing Purchase Process
  • Implemented a streamlined checkout process featuring transparent pricing and simplified form entry to minimize user effort and enhance clarity.

  • Improved the checkout flow with fewer steps and clear, distinct navigation buttons, focusing on user-friendly interactions.

Solution: Quick, Easy Checkouts

The Checkout Process

key challenge: inadequate conversion flow

Solution: Enhanced Search Functionality

  • Optimized the search bar placement and functionality, ensuring it is accessible and effective across all app pages.

  • Introduced an efficient auto-suggestion mechanism and maintained visibility of user queries and results to enhance search interaction and user satisfaction.

key challenge: inadequate conversion flow

Solution: 'My Favorites' Feature to optimize engagement

Developed a personalized wishlist feature allowing users to save, organize, and share their favorite products. This functionality not only enhances user engagement but also supports retention by personalizing the shopping experience.

challenge: Lack of Aesthetic + Creative Cohesion
  • Conducted a comprehensive redesign to improve the app’s visual and operational cohesion. Adjustments included unifying aesthetic elements and adhering strictly to Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines.

  • Introduced Light and Dark modes to cater to user preferences and environmental adaptability, improving accessibility and reducing energy consumption on compatible devices.

Solution: Enhancing Visual Appeal & Consistency

Image of Buyma's style guide
Figma’s use of variables and tokens allows for efficient creation and adaptation of prototypes.


This iOS app design project was an enriching experience that expanded my understanding of international UX/UI standards and the importance of adapting designs to meet diverse user expectations. Collaborating with a Japanese team provided valuable insights into various cultural design approaches.

While the absence of direct user feedback posed challenges, it highlighted the importance of grounding design decisions in well-established UX practices and adaptive strategies. The project reinforced the significance of user testing in refining and elevating user interface designs to better meet user needs and enhance overall satisfaction.