UX Research Study:
Your School Picture

Digitizing the age-old school picture day process.

Main image displaying a mobile device w/ an animated screen  of Your School Picture logo

Project Overview:

“In 2018, I was inspired to transform the traditional school picture day process by moving the outdated, archaic system online. I dedicated over two years to researching and developing a live prototype that ultimately served more than 5,000 families across Los Angeles public schools, from preschool to middle school. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it paused our progress, but significant insights were gained from the prototype phase.”

My Role: Lead UX Research + Service Designer

Deliverables: UX Research, Journey Mapping, Persona Development, Service Blueprint, End-to-end Process Prototype

Duration: 2 years and 3 months

Project Specs: Adobe CC, Excel, Shootproof, Smart Shooter, CMS/Wix

Screen shot promoting online orders ship directly to your home!

Problems with the Current Paper-Based Process:

  • Inefficiency: Manual form-filling is time-consuming and increases administrative burden.

  • Environmental Impact: High paper usage contributes to waste.

  • Resource Waste: Involves excessive use of ink, energy, and fuel.

  • Error-Prone: Susceptible to human error and physical damage.

  • Limited Accessibility: Challenges in updating forms and accommodating disabilities.

  • High Costs: Significant expenses in printing and distribution.

Anticipated Benefits of Digitization:

  • Increased Efficiency: Simplifies submissions and reduces administrative workload.

  • Environmental Sustainability: Reduces paper use and waste.

  • Improved Accuracy and Security: Minimizes entry errors and enhances data protection.

  • Enhanced Accessibility: Facilitates updates and supports accessibility technologies.

  • Cost Reduction: Decreases long-term expenses related to physical form management.

  • Better Data Management: Allows for effective data utilization and analytics.

“Picture days are so disruptive. It's not just THAT one day the photographers are here. The disruption lasts for 2 months minimum!”

School Administrator

“I don't like to send payment in those pre-pay envelopes they provide because I'm scared that my child will lose it or forget to hand it back to the teacher”


“We need a much simpler, more efficient process because this is all too much work with so much room for error at every phase.”

School Photographer

  • Identify User Pain Points: To simplify the digital form-filling process based on user frustrations with the paper system.

  • Evaluate System Limitations: To develop a robust digital system that integrates seamlessly with existing technologies.

  • Understand User Workflows: To eliminate unnecessary steps and automate processes to enhance efficiency.

  • Explore Environmental Impact: To promote the digital solution as a sustainable option.

  • Determine Business and Economic Impacts: To create a cost-effective digital solution that optimizes operational costs and ROI.

Research goals:

Demo emails sent to parents to let them know their child's school pictures are ready
paper vs digital

Journey Maps

User Scenario: Parent

Traditional paper process / (assumption:family gets photos back but there are problems with the photo order)
Digital process (assumption: family gets photos back but there are problems with the photo order
service blueprint

End-to-end process for a digital school picture day

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • User Engagement: Completion rate, average time on task, session length.

  • Usability: Error rate, help queries.

  • Adoption and Retention: Transition metrics from paper to digital.

  • Feedback and Satisfaction: Net Promoter Score, user feedback.

  • Conversion Metrics: Rate of completing desired actions.

Although comprehensive year-by-year comparisons were planned, the pandemic limited our ability to measure these KPIs fully. However, initial results showed promising improvements in revenue per family, with the digital system earning significantly more than the traditional paper process:

Per sales average: digital process vs traditional paper process

National avg. per sale w/ traditional paper process $25 - Source: Chris Wunder, PortraitEFX Franchises

  • Technical Challenges: Ensuring identity continuity in the production process presented significant challenges. Due to the unique demands of the project, we often had to piece together solutions to build a functional prototype. This approach required customized solutions tailored specifically to the needs of the school photography system, highlighting the need for flexibility and innovation in our design and implementation strategies. This process not only tested our adaptability but also deepened our understanding of integrating user-centric design with technical constraints to refine operational processes effectively.

  • Addressing the Digital Divide: Designed the system for accessibility across multiple platforms and considered low-tech solutions to ensure inclusivity.

  • User Resistance: Resistance to the new digital system was noted among older parents and some school administrators accustomed to traditional methods, showing hesitancy towards adopting online procedures. Conversely, younger parents and technologically adept administrators were more receptive to the digital transition, demonstrating a divide in user adaptability based on familiarity and comfort with technology.

Challenges & Reflection

Promo flyer to sign up for picture day that demonstrates the use of text messaging
To help address the digital divide we attempted use of text messaging.
Promo flyer to sign up for picture day that demonstrates the step-by-step directions
To enhance user adoption and mitigate resistance among those less familiar with technology, we included clear, easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions in all our marketing materials.

Personal Reflection

The digital transformation of school photography is both inevitable and crucial for sustainability. The traditional process, fraught with potential errors and significant environmental impacts, clearly necessitates a shift towards more efficient, technology-driven solutions. These innovations promise to streamline operations, yet they also pose challenges to the cherished traditions of school photography filled with nostalgia for many.

Although we were unable to complete the study, the work we accomplished has been deeply enlightening. It highlighted how smaller sectors are often marginalized in the broader narrative of technological advancement, underscoring an urgent need for more inclusive and accessible technological developments. This project reinforced my belief in the importance of embracing digital solutions while also proceeding with a mindful appreciation of what we leave behind. Maintaining this balance will be crucial as we navigate the future of industries transitioning to digital practices.